Using Scripts to Strengthen Communication Skills for Vocational Tasks

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Renee Speight
Johanna Thomas
Alex Fitzgerald
Suzanne Kucharczyk


Communication skills play a critical role in fostering positive post-secondary outcomes for youth with disabilities (Carter et al., 2012). Yet practitioners may have limited knowledge of strategies to strengthen learner communication skills. Scripting is an evidence-based practice for increasing communicative responses including those required for completion of vocational tasks. This article describes a step-by-step process for developing scripts to strengthen learner communication skills for completion of vocational tasks. Considerations and resources to support implementation are provided. 

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How to Cite
Speight, R., Thomas, J., Fitzgerald, A., & Kucharczyk , S. (2024). Using Scripts to Strengthen Communication Skills for Vocational Tasks. Transition In Practice, 1(1).
Practice to Research (Action Research)


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